Cieanne Everett - President.jpg

Dear Parents and Teachers,

I am extremely proud of the community that is BCCS. We all know that warm feeling we get when we walk through the doors, it is what makes Brighter Choice a true GEM!l It’s a school family that has come together for the betterment of our children and I’m excited to be a part of this dynamic community. As your PTA President my goal is to continue to drive the vision for, not only my 2 children but for, all the children of BCCS!!

We all know this upcoming school year brings big change in our leadership and while change can seem like a scary phenomenon, I want you all to be assured in the leadership and collaborative spirit of the PTA! Brighter Choice Community School's PTA has always been dynamic. The plan is to only get better. Our PTA Executive Board is made up of equally dynamic moms and dads with different skill sets and strengths. As a whole we are a driving force.

BCCS PTA has two main goals: to build a strong community of parents & staff working together to educate the whole child and to raise funds to support Brighter Choice Community School. Every parent and/or guardian of a Brighter Choice Community School student is automatically a member of the BCCS PTA.  We welcome and encourage all to join us as we work toward these goals. Parent collaboration is an integral part of our success. Throughout the year, the BCCS PTA will raise money to help support Brighter Choice Community School. We work with BCCS’ administration  & SLT (School leadership team) to determine funding priorities to ensure that we are supporting the school in the best ways possible.

In 2017-18 school year, BCCS PTA raised over $13K with the hard work and commitment of volunteers! Our goal for the 2018-19 school year is to double last year’s amount, which will help continue enrichment programs, events and excursions. Our fundraising efforts have funded:

  • Annual Back to School Picnic

  • Annual Fall Festival & Family Fun Spring Carnival

  • School wide PBL (project based learning) projects

  • BCCS Music, Visual & Performing Arts Programs

  • STEAM initiatives

  • Classroom field days trips

  • After-school Enrichment

  • Professional Development

  • Teacher Appreciation

In addition to fundraising, the PTA strives to build and nurture the school community at large by hosting events throughout the school year. These events allow BCCS families the opportunity to interact with school staff and other parents, learn what’s going on at BCCS, and have some fun during the process. Please consider getting involved in the BCCS PTA. We need your help, ideas and enthusiasm. Consider joining one, a few and/or all monthly PTA meetings. I am very excited for this new school year and cannot wait to collaborate with you!!

Here’s to an AMAZING school year!

Cieanne Everett, mom to a 4th & Dual Language 1st Grader

BCCS PTA President 2018-19 -


PTA Officers, 2018-19

Click on a picture for more information on our parent officers.

PTA Meetings, 2018-19